Searching Electronic Books

You can search for topics in the iFIX electronic books by using either the Index tab or the Search tab:

Index – Lets you search all iFIX books for topics by keyword. The index displays entries that match or begin with the keyword.

Search – Lets you search all iFIX electronic books for a specific text string. A list of all topics that contain that search string is displayed.

To find a topic using the index:

  1. Open the iFIX Electronic Books.
  2. Click the Index tab to display the master index for the electronic books.
  3. Enter the keyword for which you want to display topics. As you enter the word, the topic list scrolls to display the first topic that begins with or matches the keyword you entered.
  4. Click Display to display the topic in the right frame, or double-click the topic.

To find a topic using full-text search:

  1. Open the iFIX Electronic Books.
  2. Click the Search tab to perform a search for a text string throughout all electronic books.
  3. Enter the text for which you want to search. For more information, refer to the Refining Your Search section.
  4. Click List Topics.
  5. Select the topic that you want to display and click Display, or double-click the topic.

See Also

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