To specify the
tolerance, deadband, and refresh rate:
- In the iFIX WorkSpace, open a dialog box that displays a Data Source field. For instance, double-click a datalink to display the Datalink dialog box, or open an Expert dialog box to add a basic animation.
- Click the Browse button to the right of the Data Source field. The Expression Builder dialog box appears.
- Click the FIX Database tab.
- In the Tolerance field, enter the maximum allowable rounding factor for the data source or expression you are building. If the value of the data source or expression is within the tolerance of a target value, iFIX assumes the two values are equal.
- In the Deadband field, enter the maximum fluctuation you want for the data source or expression. If the value of the data source or expression exceeds the maximum or minimum deadband, iFIX updates the object with the new value.
- In the Refresh Rate field, select how often to update the data source or expression, in seconds.