Setting OPC Connection Error Preferences

To set the OPC connection error preferences:

  1. In Classic view, from the iFIX WorkSpace menu, select User Preferences.


In Ribbon view, on the Home tab, in the WorkSpace group, click Settings, and then click User Preferences.

  1. Click the Animations Data Error Defaults tab.
  2. In the Linear Animation Object Defaults area, enter the default numeric values to use when an error occurs scaling a value.
  3. In the Format Animations Object Defaults area, enter the default strings to display in a Data link when an error occurs.
  4. In the Numeric Table Entries and the String Table Entries areas, enter the default numeric and string values to use when an error occurs in a lookup table.
  5. In the Color Table Entries area, click each button and select the color to use when an error occurs in a lookup table.


See Also