Configuring the Legend

The legend lets you quickly identify the information that the chart is plotting. The legend appears at the bottom of the chart and provides collection and error information for each trended data source. Each legend displays in the pen color assigned to the pen's data source. To configure a legend, click the Legend tab on the Chart tabbed page of the Chart Configuration dialog box.

You can modify the legend to appear in various configurations. For example, if you want to change the length of the data source description, select the Description check box in the Items area and enter the number of characters that represents the length of the description. To change the order of the pens in the chart's legend, click the pen you want to move in the Pen List area, and then click either the up or down arrow.

To configure the legend, click the Legend tab and select or deselect the properties of the legend. The Order area of the Legend tab lets you display the items you select in any order in the legend (left to right).

See Also

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