The FixDataSystem object is slightly more difficult to configure, but is ultimately the most efficient method of accessing the database. This method retains groups of data item objects. This method is faster than using the FindObject method because data items are read and written collectively as a group. In other words, when you execute the group read method of a FixDataSystem object, it will read the data for all the tags added to it in a single call. When you retrieve the value from the data item inside of the DataItems collection, it actually retrieves it from a buffer rather than requesting the data from the database. If you are continually reading from or writing to a large number of tags, you should consider using the FixDataSystem object.
The following code example demonstrates using the FixDataSystem object to access thisnode:tag.f_cv:
'Create the Data System OCX
Dim FDS As Object
Dim Y as single
Set FDS = CreateObject("FixDataSystems.Intellution FD Data _
System Control")
FDS.Groups.Add ("DataGroup1")
'Add a group to the Groups collection
tag.f_cv") 'Add the item to the group
'Read all the items in the group
Y = FDS.Groups.Item("DataGroup1").DataItems.Item(1).Value
'Get the value which was cached in the read
FDS.Groups.Item("DataGroup1").DataItems.Item(1).Value = 3.0 'Change the cache
'Write out all the caches in the group (only write those
'items which have changed)