Keep Message Reflection Enabled

To improve the performance of your controls, we recommend that you keep Message Reflection enabled, which is the default setting, unless a specific control requires it to be disabled. As examples, the MSTreeView control, the MSListView control, and the MSUpDown control each need message reflection disabled.

Some messages are normally sent to the parent control. Under normal conditions, these messages are actually reflected back to the sending control, so that the control can handle its own message. This message reflection can be handled by the container, which will reflect the messages back as events.

Message reflection is an ambient property of the container. The message reflection feature is relevant to controls that are implemented by sub-classing a windows control. The iFIX WorkSpace supports message reflection to gain performance. If the container does not support message reflection, then every sub-classed control creates an extra window around itself.

To enable or disable Message Reflection:

  1. Open your picture.
  2. Select Picture from the right-click menu. The Edit Picture dialog box appears.
  3. Enable or disable Message Reflection by selecting or clearing the Message Reflection check box.

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