If the driver loads and starts but you are not getting any information from your items, or if you receive ?????? in your operator display links, examine the statistics in the OPC Client Power Tool for information about the driver’s current state. Start at the highest level of the driver statistics:
- If the OPC server has a communications diagnostic utility, start it to ensure that the OPC server is communicating to the process hardware first.
- Select the I/O driver icon in the Power Tool’s Tree Browser and from the Display Mode menu, choose Stats Mode. The I/O driver’s statistics display in the Power Tool.
- If you see errors, examine the server statistics to find which server(s) has the problem group(s).
- Examine the group(s) statistics as well. The group statistics may help to narrow your search.
- Examine the item(s) statistics to determine the exact problem.
If multiple items on the OPC Server are not communicating with the process hardware, you may have one of the following problems:
- You have a problem with your cable.
- You have the wrong server properties. Examine these properties and correct them as needed.
- You have the wrong station address for the process hardware.
If your OPC server is communicating to the process hardware, but the driver is not receiving data, one or more of the following may be true:
- The OPC Client is not connected to the OPC server.
- You have not enabled the group, causing the group to be inactive in the OPC server.
- You have not enabled the items, causing them to be inactive in the OPC server.
- You specified incorrect item IDs or access paths.
If you are receiving error numbers in the group statistics Error field, narrow down the items causing the errors. Refer to Error Codes to learn the meaning of each error code.
See Also