Server Properties

NOTE: The following fields and descriptions are identical in both the Server template (in the Templates dialog box) and the Server information displayed in the Properties Viewer when in Config Mode.

Server Name

Specifies the name of the selected server. You can use this name as a shortcut in place of the OPC server’s Prog ID when adding a database block. Do not assign the same name to more than one server. The server name must be unique across all servers, groups, and items.

Valid Entries

Up to 30 alphanumeric characters, including underscores ( _ ) and hyphens ( - ).

Server Enable Check Box

When selected, the driver is connected to the OPC server and the driver is enabled for polling. If you clear the check box, the driver is disconnected from the OPC server and all of the server’s groups and items are disabled and are not polled.


Specifies user-defined comments about the selected server. Such descriptions can be very helpful when you go back to look at old configuration or report files, or when you need to modify an existing configuration. The more detailed and specific the information you enter in this field, the easier it is to identify the server.

Valid Entries

Up to 40 alphanumeric characters and symbols.


Specifies the Programmatic ID for the selected OPC server. The Prog ID is a vendor-specific string used by the driver to connect to the OPC server. This field cannot be modified.

OPC Server Connection Setup

Server Location

Specifies the connection method to the OPC server.

Valid Entries

Select this connection method...

When the OPC server resides on...


The local computer.


A remote node on your network.

If you choose Remote, the Machine Name field becomes available and the Browse Network button appears.

Machine Name

Specifies the machine name or TCP/IP address of a remote OPC server. This field is available only if you select Remote from the Server Location list.

Browse Network

Click to browse your local network for a remote server name.

OPC Persist Settings

Save on Disconnect

When selected, the current OPC server settings are saved to a file when the OPC Client shuts down. If you clear the check box, the server’s settings are not saved. If you select this check box the File Name box appears and is available.

NOTE: The OPC server must support the IPersistFile interface if you select this check box.

File Name

Specifies the file name containing the OPC server settings. The driver saves this file when it shuts down. If you do not enter a file name, the driver saves the settings to the file currently loaded by the OPC Server. This parameter is available only if you select the Save on disconnect check box.

Client Settings

Send Messages to Event Window

When selected, asynchronous run-time messages are sent to the I/O Server’s Event Window. For example, asynchronous updates (exceptions) and synchronous timeouts received from the OPC server are sent to the Event Window when you select the check box.

You can display the Event Window by selecting Event Window from the Options menu.

FIX DBB I/O Address Delimiter

Specifies the delimiter used by the I/O Server in order to parse I/O addresses entered in iFIX Process Database. Different OPC servers use different delimiters to parse the fields of their item IDs. For example, if the item ID uses a colon as a delimiter, then the Process Database delimiter must be something other than a colon. The default value is the semicolon ( ; )

Valid Entries







Forward slash


Back slash



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