Support for Greater Precision

The OPC Client driver now supports 15 digits of precision with analog data.


  • If you are using this OPC Client driver (v7.41) in iFIX 4.5, 15-digit precision is supported for data values only, and not for signal conditioning. Therefore, in iFIX 4.5, signal conditioning calculations are limited to 7 digits of precision. In other words, if the range of your EGU limits exceeds 7 digits, a small amount of imprecision will be introduced into the calculated result for signal conditioning.
  • If you are using iFIX 5.0 with this OPC Client driver (v7.41),15-digit precision is supported for both data values and signal conditioning.
  • Prior to iFIX 4.5, 15-digit precision was not supported. Instead, you are limited to the 7 digit limits imposed by the use of single precision values.