Running With or Without iFIX

You can use the Application Validator with or without iFIX. If you require that iFIX be running, open the AppValConfig.ini file in the folder where you installed iFIX and specify Yes for the RunningIFixIsRequired key in this file. If you require that iFIX is running, you can also specify whether iFIX Security is required by setting the EnabledSecurityIsRequired key to Yes in the AppValConfig.ini file.

For example, an AppValConfig.ini file with both options enabled appears as follows:




If you use iFIX Security, you can modify your iFIX groups to allow the users in the designated groups to create baselines and/or have runtime access to the Application Validator. The iFIX application features name for these privileges are as follows:

  • Application Validator - Creation of Baselines
  • Application Validator - Run-time Access

For more information on iFIX security setup, refer to the Defining and Assigning Security Privileges in the Configuring Security Features manual.