In the configuration environment, iFIX displays schedules in the iFIX WorkSpace, allowing you to easily create, edit, and start monitoring entries while you work on your project.
Scheduler in the Configuration Environment
In the run-time environment, you can view the status and statistics of the entries in your schedule. You can also control your entries using the Start/Stop, Reset, and Fire Now buttons.
Scheduler in the Run-time Environment
The Scheduler provides the following features:
- Spreadsheet design that allows you to easily view and edit entries.
- Ability to schedule as many entries as necessary and to trigger them as often as necessary.
- Ability to run as a service under Microsoft Windows.
- Experts, via the Multiple Command Script Wizard, for common events.
- Ability to easily monitor entries and view diagnostic statistics.
- Ability to trigger scheduled scripts on demand.
- Ability to run schedules as a foreground or background task.