Update_A_Dynamo_By_Ref2 Method Example

The following code provides an example of the Update_A_Dynamo_By_Ref2 method that appears in the modDynamoUpdater module of the Project_PlugandSolve VBA project.

Public Function UpdateADynamo(objDynamoInstance As Fix2DDynamo.Fix2DDynamo, objMasterDynamo As Fix2DDynamo.Fix2DDynamo, ByRef strReturnMsg) As UpdateDynamoResult

    Dim strDIName As String

    Dim strDMName As String

    Dim iDataSourceOption As DynamoDataSourceOption

    Dim iResult As Long 'UpdateDynamoResult

    Dim iPrompt As Long


    iDataSourceOption = g_WizardConfig.iDataSourceOption

    If g_WizardConfig.iDataSourceOption = DYNAMO_PROMPT_FOR_CHOICE Then

        If g_ReturnFromPromptForChoice = PROMPT_DLG_SEL_UPDATE_NO_DS_APPLY_TO_ALL Then

            iDataSourceOption = DYNAMO_UPDATE_BUT_NOT_APPLY

        ElseIf g_ReturnFromPromptForChoice = PROMPT_DLG_SEL_UPDATE_ATTEMPT_MATCH_APPLY_TO_ALL Then

            iDataSourceOption = DYNAMO_UPDATE_AND_APPLY

        ElseIf g_ReturnFromPromptForChoice = PROMPT_DLG_SEL_DO_NOT_UPDATE_APPLY_TO_ALL Then

            iDataSourceOption = DYNAMO_NOT_UPDATE

        End If

    End If


'////// actual update call

    ' call Update A Dynamo

    PlugandSolve.GeometryHelperObj.Update_A_Dynamo_By_Ref2 objMasterDynamo, objDynamoInstance, iDataSourceOption, mobjStrMgr.GetNLSStr(4069), iResult

    ' get a result string

    strReturnMsg = PlugandSolve.GeometryHelperObj.Get_Last_Result_String

    ' get the last user choice from the prompt

    If (g_WizardConfig.iDataSourceOption = DYNAMO_PROMPT_FOR_CHOICE) And _

        (g_ReturnFromPromptForChoice = PROMPT_DLG_SEL_NONE) Then

        iPrompt = PlugandSolve.GeometryHelperObj.Get_Last_Prompt_Value



            (iPrompt = PROMPT_DLG_SEL_DO_NOT_UPDATE_APPLY_TO_ALL) Then

            g_ReturnFromPromptForChoice = iPrompt

        End If

    End If

'////// end of actual update call

'////// dummy for test

'    g_testcount = g_testcount + 1

'    strDIName = objDynamoInstance.Name

'    strDMName = objMasterDynamo.Name

'    If g_testcount = 3 Then

'        strReturnMsg = ">>>" & strDIName & " was not updated  with " & strDMName

'        iResult = DYNAMO_NOTUPDATED

'    ElseIf g_testcount = 150 Then

'        strReturnMsg = ">>> User canceled"

'        iResult = DYNAMO_UPDATE_ABORTED

'    Else

'        strReturnMsg = strDIName & " was updated successfully with " & strDMName

'        iResult = DYNAMO_UPDATED

'    End If

'////// end of dummy for test


    If iResult <= DYNAMO_UPDATED Then

        UpdateADynamo = DYNAMO_UPDATED

    ElseIf iResult <= DYNAMO_NOTUPDATED Then

        UpdateADynamo = DYNAMO_NOTUPDATED


        UpdateADynamo = DYNAMO_UPDATE_ABORTED

    End If

End Function


To view this code in context:

  1. In Classic view, from the WorkSpace menu, select Visual Basic Editor.


In Ribbon view, on the Home tab, in the WorkSpace group, click Visual Basic Editor.

  1. In the tree view, double-click the Project_PlugandSolve folder, and then the Modules folder, and finally the modDynamoUpdater.
  2. Search for UpdateADynamo to locate this code.