Open_TS_Pic_Type Method Example

The following example opens the Tag Status Picture TAGSTATUS and displays the tag list AI, AO, and DI when a button is pressed.

Private Sub Button_OpenTSPicType_TagStatus_Click()

    Dim SomeStrings(2) As String

    Dim OpenedPic As Object


    SomeStrings(0) = "FIX32.THISNODE.AI.A_NAME"

    SomeStrings(1) = "FIX32.THISNODE.AO.A_NAME"

    SomeStrings(2) = "FIX32.THISNODE.DI.A_NAME"


    Set OpenedPic = Me.Open_TS_Pic_Type(TAGSTATUS, SomeStrings)


End Sub

The following example opens the Quick Trend Picture QUICKTREND into the current picture and displays the tag list AI, AO, and DI when a button is pressed.

Private Sub Button_OpenTSPicType_QT_Click()

    Dim SomeStrings(2) As String


    SomeStrings(0) = "FIX32.THISNODE.AI.A_NAME"

    SomeStrings(1) = "FIX32.THISNODE.AO.A_NAME"

    SomeStrings(2) = "FIX32.THISNODE.DI.A_NAME"


    Me.Open_TS_Pic_Type QUICKTREND, SomeStrings


End Sub

The following example opens the Tag Control Panel Picture TAGCONTROLPANEL into the current picture and displays the tag list AI, AO, and DI when a button is pressed.

Private Sub Button_OpenTSPicType_TCP_Click()

    Dim SomeStrings(2) As String


    SomeStrings(0) = "FIX32.THISNODE.AI.A_NAME"

    SomeStrings(1) = "FIX32.THISNODE.AO.A_NAME"

    SomeStrings(2) = "FIX32.THISNODE.DI.A_NAME"


    Me.Open_TS_Pic_Type TAGCONTROLPANEL, SomeStrings


End Sub