IsSignatureRequiredForList Method

Evaluates the variables set by the InitializeList() method and the value of the nAction parameter to determine whether a signature is required for the list of data sources.


object.IsSignatureRequiredForList(nAction, bSignatureRequired, [pInfo], [bVerify], [bAllowContinuousUse])


The IsSignatureRequiredForList method syntax has these parts:




An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


Action Type. Indicates the type of action associated with this signature. Valid entries for nAction include:
– Acknowledges multiple alarms.
– Acknowledges or manually deletes multiple alarms.


Boolean. Returns True if signature is required for the list of data sources, and False if it is not. If one tag requires signature all are considered to require signature.


Integer. (Optional). Returns information about why signature is not required for the data sources. The return values include:

2 – (NO_SIGN). Data source does not require signature.
3 – (NO_ACK). Signature is required for writes but not for alarm acknowledgement.
4 – (NON_FIX). Data source is not FIX32.
5 – (NO_KEY). Electronic Signature option is not enabled on the hardware key on the local or SCADA node.
6 – (SEC_NOT_ENAB). Security is not enabled on the local node.
7 – (BAD_SYNTAX). Syntax of data source name is bad.
8 – (READ_FAIL). Error reading settings from the tag.

NOTE: You must reference the Electronic Signature type library in VBA to use these enumerations.


Boolean. (Optional). Returns True if verification is required for the data source list, False if it is not. If one tag requires verification, all require verification.


Boolean. (Optional). Returns True if continuous use is allowed for the data source list, False if it is not. If one tag disallows continuous use, all are considered to disallow continuous use.

Return Value

This method returns HRESULT. If the HRESULT is a value other than S_OK, VBA generates an error. You can handle this error using the On Error Statement You can find out more information about the error by using Err Object.



Applies To