Evaluates the variables set by the Initialize method and the value of the nAction parameter to determine whether the signature is required for the data source.
object.IsSignatureRequired(nAction, bSignaturedRequired, [pInfo], [bVerify], [bAllowContinuousUse])
The IsSignatureRequired method syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
nAction |
Integer. Indicates the type of action associated with
this signature. Valid entries for nAction include: 1 – (ACK). Acknowledges a single alarm. 3 – (ACK_OR_REMOVE). Acknowledges or manually deletes a single alarm. |
bSignatureRequired |
Boolean. Returns True if signature is required for the data source, False if it is not. |
pInfo |
Integer. (Optional). Returns information about why signature is not required for the data source. The return values include: 2– (NO_SIGN). Data source does not require signature. 3– (NO_ACK). Signature is required for writes but not for alarm acknowledgement. 4– (NON_FIX). Data source is not FIX32. 5– (NO_KEY). Electronic Signature option is not enabled on the hardware key on the local or SCADA node. 6– (SEC_NOT_ENAB). Security is not enabled on the local node. 7– (BAD_SYNTAX). Syntax of data source name is bad. 8– (READ_FAIL). Error reading settings from the tag. NOTE: You must reference the Electronic Signature type library in VBA to use these enumerations. |
bVerify |
Boolean. (Optional). Returns True if verification is required for the tag, and False if it is not. |
bAllowContinuousUse |
Boolean. (Optional). Returns True if continuous use is allowed for the tag, and False it is not. |
Return Value
This method returns HRESULT. If the HRESULT is a value other than S_OK, VBA generates an error. You can handle this error using the On Error Statement You can find out more information about the error by using Err Object.