Initialize Method Example

The following example creates the ESignature object, checks to see if the node is enabled for electronic signature, and determines if a specified tag (FIX32.thisnode.D01.F_CV) requires electronic signature. If required, the example validates the signature, writes the new value, and sends a message to the audit trail.

Dim ESig As Object

Dim bNodeSignEnabled As Boolean

Dim bSigRequired As Boolean

Dim bVerify As Boolean

Dim bContinuousUse As Boolean

Dim nInfo As Integer

Dim NewValue As Variant

'Create the ESignature object

Set ESig = CreateObject("ElectronicSignature.ESignatureFactory")

'Check if node is enabled for electronic signature

ESig.IsNodeSignEnabled bNodeSignEnabled

If bNodeSignEnabled = True Then

'Check if tag requires electronic signature

ESig.Initialize "Fix32.thisnode.DO1.F_CV"

ESig.IsSignatureRequired 0, bSigRequired, nInfo, bVerify, bContinuousUse

If bSigRequired = True Then

'Validate the signature, write the new value and send a message to the audit trail

NewValue = 1

If bVerify = False Then

ESig.ValidateSignatureAndWriteValue 0, NewValue, "admin", "admin", "Perform Comment Example"


ESig.ValidateSignatureAndWriteValue 0, NewValue, "admin", "admin", "Perform Comment Example", "supervisor1", "GEF", "Verify Comment Example"

End If


MsgBox "Signature is not required for this tag."

End If


MsgBox "Signature is not enabled on this node."

End If