GetUserID Method Example

The following example creates the ESignature object, checks to see if the node has electronic signature enabled, obtains the user ID, checks to see if the user has access to the Electronic Signature Bypass application feature, and checks to see if the user has access to a security area.

Dim ESig As Object

Dim bNodeSignEnabled As Boolean

Dim UserName As String

Dim PassWord As String

Dim result As Boolean

Dim UsrId As String

'valid iFix user name and password

UserName = "username"

PassWord = "password"

result = False

'Create the ESignature object

Set ESig = CreateObject("ElectronicSignature.ESignature")

'Check if node is enabled for electronic signature

ESig.IsNodeSignEnabled bNodeSignEnabled

If bNodeSignEnabled = True Then

'Get the user id

ESig.GetUserid UserName, PassWord, UsrId

MsgBox “UserID: ” & UsrId

'Check if user has access to Electronic Signature Bypass application feature

ESig.CheckUserApplicationAccess UsrId, 74, result

MsgBox "User: " & UserName & vbCr & "Has rights to Bypass Signature? " & result

'Check if user has access to security area B

ESig.CheckUserAreaAccess UsrId, "B", result

MsgBox "User: " & UserName & vbCr & "Has rights to Security Area B? " & result


'the hardware key is not enabled for signature, security is disabled, or bypass signature is in effect

MsgBox “Signature is not enabled on this node.”

End If