Displays the Electronic Signature dialog box based on the values passed in. The dialog box validates the signing, but does not send a write request to the database or a signed operator message.
If verification is not required, only the Performed By section of the dialog box displays. If verification is required, both the Performed By and Verified By sections display. If the tag is configured to allow continuous use, the continuous user name appears in the Performed By user name edit box. Default comments display based on the threshold table names passed in. If no threshold table names are passed in, the threshold table names set in the WorkSpace User Preferences, if any, are used to display the comment pick lists in the dialog box.
object.GetSignature(bstrDescription, bVerify, bAllowContinuousUse, pbValidSig, bstrPerformUser, bstrPerformUserID, bstrPerformComment, [bstrVerifyUser], [bstrVerifyUserID], [bstrVerifyComment], [bCheckTag], [applicationId], [bstrPerformCommentTb]l, [bstrVerifyCommentTbl], [pSecAreas], [bstrDialogCaption], [bPerformCommentRequired])
The GetSignature method syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
bstrDescription |
String. Displays a message in the Electronic Signature dialog box that describes the action needing a signature. |
bVerify |
Boolean. Indicates whether or not verification is required. |
bAllowContinuousUse |
Boolean. Indicates whether or not the Performed By user name should default to the name of the continuous user. |
bValidSig |
Boolean. Returns True if a valid signature was captured, or False if not. |
bstrPerformUser |
String. Returns the user name of the Performed By user. |
bstrPerformUserID |
String. Returns the user ID (short name) of the Performed By user. This ID is used when sending a signed operator message. |
bstrPerformComment |
String. Returns the comment entered by the Performed By user. |
bstrVerifyUser |
String. (Optional). Returns the user name of the Verified By signature. |
bstrVerifyUserID |
String. (Optional). Returns the user ID (short name) of the Verified By user. This ID is used when sending a signed operator message. |
bstrVerifyComment |
String. (Optional). Returns the comment entered by the Verified By user. |
bCheckTag |
Boolean. (Optional). Indicates whether the user access to security areas assigned to the tag should be checked. The default value is False. If this is set to True, you must call the Initialize method prior to calling this method. If you do not call Initialize() or the tag is not a FIX32 data source, an error is returned when the signature is entered. |
applicationId |
Integer. (Optional). Contains additional application feature to be checked. Normally, the system checks only the Performed By and Verified By application features during signature validation. For a list of application IDs, refer to the FIXCheckApplicationAccess method. To skip this check, set the value to -1. |
bstrPerformCommentTbl |
String. (Optional). Contains the name of the comment threshold table to display in the Performed By comment pick list. |
bstrVerifyCommentTbl |
String. (Optional). Contains the name of the comment threshold table to display in the Verified By comment pick list. |
pSecAreas |
Variant Array. (Optional). Contains a list of security areas to check when validating the signature. |
bstrDialogCaption |
String. (Optional). Contains the caption that will display in the Electronic Signature dialog box title bar in place of the default caption “Electronic Signature.” |
bPerformCommentRequired | Boolean. (Optional). When TRUE, this parameter instructs the Electronic Signature dialog box to require that a perform comment be entered before the electronic signature can be accepted. This parameter is optional and defaults to FALSE if it is not included. |
Return Value
This method returns HRESULT. If the HRESULT is a value other than S_OK, VBA generates an error. You can handle this error using the On Error Statement You can find out more information about the error by using Err Object.