GetPenDataArray Method Example

The following example generate a report containing all data contained inside a standard chart, Chart1, into a file.

Dim lNumPts As Long

Dim vVal As Variant

Dim vPsa As Variant

Dim vQual As Variant

Dim vMill As Variant

Dim toto As Object

Dim Mypath As String

Dim myfile As String

Dim RTN As String

RTN = ""

If Chart1.Pens.Count <> 0 Then

Mypath = System.BasePath

myfile = Mypath & "\app\ChartReport.txt"

RTN = Dir(myfile)

If RTN <> "" Then

'File do exist

'Delete Output file

Kill myfile

End If

Open myfile For Output As #1

For i = 1 To Chart1.Pens.Count

Chart1.Pens.Item(i).GetPenDataArrayEx lNumPts, vVal, vPsa, vQual, vMill

For j = 0 To (lNumPts - 1)

Value = vVal(j)

Time = vPsa(j)

Quality = vQual(j)

Mill = vMill(j)

Write #1, Chart1.Pens.Item(i).Source; " "; Time; " "; Value; ""

Next j

Next i

Close #1

End If