GetCurrentValueWithQuality Method Example

The following example displays the current value of x, y, and the data quality of the Enhanced Chart in a message box, which are returned using the GetCurrentValueWithQuality method.

Private Sub CommandButton11_Click()

Dim objDataSet As Object ' FixRealTimeDataSet.FixRealTimeDataSet

Dim varXValue As Variant, dblYValue As Double, lngQuality As Long

Set objDataSet = LineChart1.GetCurrentDataSet()

objDataSet.GetCurrentValueWithQuality varXValue, dblYValue, lngQuality

MsgBox "AssignedID is " & CStr(objDataSet.AssignedID) & vbCrLf & _

"ResolvedSourceName is " & CStr(objDataSet.ResolvedSourceName) & vbCrLf & _

"Current X Value is " & CStr(varXValue) & vbCrLf & _

"Current X Value is " & CStr(dblYValue) & vbCrLf & _

"Current Quality is " & CStr(lngQuality)

End Sub