Read-only. Specifies whether the current picture uses screen independent coordinates (Enhanced Coordinates) or the legacy logical coordinates. For more information on Enhanced Coordinates, refer the Picture Coordinate Systems topic in the Creating Pictures e-book.
object.EnhancedCoordinates [= Boolean]
The EnhancedCoordinates property syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
Boolean |
Whether or not Enhanced Coordinates are used. |
The settings for Boolean are:
Value |
Description |
True |
Enhanced Coordinates are used. |
False |
Enhanced Coordinates are not used. |
The default for EnhancedCoordinates is True on all new pictures created in iFIX 5.8 and greater. On pictures created in previous versions of iFIX, the default for EnhancedCoordinates is False, unless you choose to upgrade to the Enhanced Coordinate system by running the Picture Upgrade expert and then the property gets set to True.