This property used to filter the shelved alarms in the Alarm Summary object.
object.DisplayShelvedAlarms [=Boolean]
The DisplayShelvedAlarms property syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to the Alarm Summary object in the Applies To list. |
Boolean |
Whether the shelved alarms are displayed in the Alarm Summary object. |
The settings for DisplayShelvedAlarms are:
Constant |
Description |
True |
When set to True, only shelved alarms are displayed in the Alarm Summary object. (Default) |
False |
When set to False, alarms that are not shelved are displayed in the Alarm Summary object. |
This example applies a shelved filter on the Alarm Summary object.
' Applies shelved filter on alarm summary object
Public Sub ShelvedAlarmsFilter(FilterFlag As Boolean)
Dim AppObj As Object
Dim PictureObj As Object
Dim CurrentObj As Object
If TypeName(Application) = "CFixApp" Then
' running in the workspace
Set AppObj = Application
Set AppObj = App
If AppObj Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Search for Alarm summary object and apply the shelved alarms filter
Set PictureObj = AppObj.ActiveDocument
For Each CurrentObj In PictureObj.Page.ContainedObjects
If TypeName(CurrentObj) = "AlarmSummaryOCX" Then
If CurrentObj.Name = "AlarmSummaryOCX1" Then
CurrentObj.DisplayShelvedAlarms = FilterFlag
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End Sub