DeletePen Method Example

The following example uses the Count property of the Pens Collection for the Chart, Chart1, as an index to delete the last pen added to the Chart.

Dim x As Integer

x = Chart1.Pens.Count

Chart1.DeletePen x

The following example deletes a pen in a ChartnamedChart1,and then replaces it with another one using the AddPen method, if it does not already exist.

Private Sub Chart1_Click()

'Select a pen on user Click

'Check if user wants to delete it

Dim Strtn as string

Dim Inti as integer

Strtn = Chart1.CurrentPen

Msgprompt = "You have selected Pen : " & Chart1.Pens.Item(Strtn).Source & vbCrLf & "Do you want to remove it ?"

user_reponse = MsgBox(Msgprompt, vbYesNo, "Removing Pen")

If user_reponse = 6 Then

 Chart1.DeletePen (Strtn)

End If

End Sub


Private Sub DELPEN_Click()

'delete all pen from the pen collection under a specific chart

Dim Inti as integer

If Chart1.Pens.Count <> 0 Then

 For Inti = Chart1.Pens.Count To 1 Step -1

  Chart1.DeletePen (Inti)

 Next Inti

End If

End Sub


Private Sub PBADDREALPEN_Click()

'Add pen to the pen collection for a given Chart

'after checking the pens are not already inside the pen collection

If Chart1.Pens.Count <> 0 Then

' first time the chart is used the collection contains a default pen

 Chart1.DeletePen (1)

End If

 checkifalreadyexist ("Fix32.Alice.MyTag1")

 checkifalreadyexist ("Fix32.Alice.MyTag2")

 checkifalreadyexist ("Fix32.Alice.MyTag3")

End Sub


Function checkifalreadyexist(Tagname As String)

'check if the pen if not already inside the collection

Dim loc_tagname As String

loc_tagname = Tagname & ".F_CV"

Egu_tagname = Tagname

If Chart1.Pens.Count = 0 Then

 Chart1.AddPen (loc_tagname)

 hiEGU = Readvalue(Egu_tagname & ".A_Ehi")

 loEGU = Readvalue(Egu_tagname & ".A_Elo")



 Tag_found = False

  For i = 1 To Chart1.Pens.Count

   If UCase(loc_tagname) = UCase(Chart1.Pens.Item(i).Source) Then

Tag_found = True


 End If

  Next i

  If Tag_found = False Then

     Chart1.AddPen (loc_tagname)

     Tag_found = False

   End If

 End If

End Function