Converts an old Dynamo Instance (Group object) to a new Dynamo object. If you want a converted Dynamo object to become a Master Dynamo, you must also select the “Make Master” option.
NOTE: If you want to be able to use the Dynamo Updater with a converted Dynamo object, you need to call the Update_A_Dynamo_By_Name method after the Convert_A_Group_To_A_Dynamo_By_Name method. Through this process, the Dynamo object obtains the Dynamo_ID and Revision matched with the provided Master Dynamo.
object.Convert_A_Group_To_A_Dynamo_By_Ref (pIGroupDynamo, nOptions, bstrChoiceDialogTitle, pnResultCode)
The Convert_A_Group_To_A_Dynamo_By_Ref method syntax has these parts:
Part |
Description |
object |
An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
pIGroupDynamo |
Object. The name of the iFIX Dynamo group object. |
nOptions |
Long. The specified options as a bitmask: UPDATE_OPTION_ON_MISMATCH_UPDATE_DYNAMO (0x00000001) – When a mismatch is encountered, use the Update / Do not update options. This setting is unused when iFIX finds no mismatches. UPDATE_OPTION_ON_MISMATCH_APPLY_DATA_SOURCES (0x00000002) – When a mismatch is encountered, use the Apply Data Sources / Do not apply data sources options. This setting is unused when iFIX finds no mismatches. UPDATE_OPTION_ON_MISMATCH_PROMT_FOR_CHOICE (0x00000004) – When a mismatch is encountered, ask the user what to do. UPDATE_OPTION_RESIZE_INSTANCE (0x00000008) – Set to True to resize the Dynamo instance to match the Master Dynamo dimensions. Equivalent setting in iFIX 4.5 is always True. UPDATE_OPTION_SAVE_CAPTIONS (0x00000010) – Set to True to save the captions on text objects and button objects. UPDATE_OPTION_UPDATE_ON_CONVERSION (0x00000020) – Set to True to ignore the Dynamo_ID and Revision checking when updating. CONVERT_OPTION_MAKE_MASTER (0x00010000) – Dynamo Converter Options. Convert a group to a Master Dynamo. |
bstrChoiceDialogTitle |
String. Currently not used, but available in case a future version of iFIX needs to display a choice within a dialog box during the conversion. |
pnResultCode |
The result code as a bitmask: UPDATER_RESULT_SUCCESS_BIT (0x00000001) – Returns 1 on success, or 0 on failure. UPDATER_RESULT_ALL_DATA_SOURCES_IGNORED_BIT (0x00000002) – Encoded status bit. UPDATER_RESULT_SOME_DATA_SOURCES_IGNORED_BIT (0x00000004) – Encoded status bit. UPDATER_RESULT_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA_SOURCES_BIT (0x00000008) – Encoded status bit. UPDATER_RESULT_DYNAMO_NOT_UPDATED_BIT (0x00000010) – Encoded status bit. UPDATER_RESULT_USER_CANCELLED_BIT (0x00000020) – Spare entry, use as needed. UPDATER_RESULT_INVALID_ARG_DYNAMO_INSTANCE_BIT (0x00000040) – Spare entry, use as needed. UPDATER_RESULT_INVALID_ARG_MASTER_DYNAMO_BIT (0x00000080) – Spare entry, use as needed. UPDATER_RESULT_INVALID_ARG_MISTMATCH_OPTION_BIT (0x00000100) – Spare entry, use as needed. UPDATER_RESULT_INVALID_POINTER_BIT (0x00000200) – Spare entry, use as needed. UPDATER_RESULT_INSTANCE_DOESNT_MATCH_MASTER_BIT (0x00000400)– Spare entry, use as needed. UPDATER_RESULT_INVALID_ARG_OWNER_BIT (0x00000800) – Spare entry, use as needed. UPDATER_RESULT_TEXT_CAPTIONS_UPDATED_BIT (0x00001000) – Returns 1 if any text captions were updated, or 0 if none were updated. UPDATER_RESULT_TEXT_CAPTIONS_ALL_UPDATED_BIT (0x00002000) – Returns 1 if all captions were updated, or 0 if some (or none) were updated. This field must be 0 if the UPDATER_RESULT_TEXT_CAPTIONS_UPDATED_BIT is also 0. UPDATER_RESULT_INVALID_ARG_GROUP_BIT (0x00004000) – Invaid argument for Convert_A_Group_To_A_Dynamo property. |