BackDropColor Property

Defines the back drop color of a group of objects.


object.BackDropColor [= Long]


The BackDropColor property syntax has these parts:




An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


The COLORREF used to set the group's back drop color.


The group's background and foreground color properties apply to the children contained in the group. The group itself is a shape and can have it's own bounding rectangle color and style. By default this is transparent. Enabling the BackDropVisible property activates the group's BackDrop color properties. The group's bounding rectangle fill color is defined by the BackDropColor and BackDropBackgroundColor. The BackDropColor can be considered the foreground color of the BackDrop fill area, therefore, is used for a solid style, and is the line color for the hatched patterns. For non-solid styles, the BackDropBackgroundColor is the background fill area.


Applies To