AddLegendItem Method

Adds an item to the Legend of the Chart at the specified location displaying the specified number of characters.


object.AddLegendItem szItem, iColumn, iNumChars


The AddLegendItem method syntax has these parts:




An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


String. The name of the item to be added.

Valid entries:
Source - Data Source name
Description - Data Source's descriptor property
Value - Current Value at the time cursor
Units - EGU units name
Mode - Historical or real time
High Limit - High display limit
Low Limit - Low display limit
Interval - Data point interval
High Over - Highest value over the duration
Low Over - Lowest value over the duration
Avg Over - Average value over the duration
USER1 - User defined field
USER2 - User defined field
USER3 - User defined field
USER4 - User defined field
USER5 - User defined field
USER6 - User defined field
USER7 - User defined field
USER8 - User defined field
USER9 - User defined field
USER10 - User defined field


Integer. 1-based column index representing where to position the legend item. Column 1 is furthest to the left. Maximum is 22.


Integer. Defines the size of the display width of the column specified by iColumn. The width is calculated by taking the average size character of the font selected multiplied by the number of characters specified by iNumChars. Maximum is 80.



Applies To