Alarm Queues Configuration Dialog Box

This dialog box displays the alarm queue resources. iFIX uses your entries in the SCU menus to tailor resources precisely for your configuration. Most users never need to modify these defaults.

CAUTION: Modifying alarm queue resources can seriously affect the performance of a node. You should not use this dialog box unless you have a thorough understanding of iFIX alarming concepts.

In the Setup areas, each enabled service displays the maximum number of alarms it can handle at any one time. This means that enough system resources are reserved to hold the number of messages listed here in memory until they can be sent to the alarm service (for example, a printer). If more messages come in after the memory queue has been filled, the older messages are discarded.

You must strike a balance between using up resources and recording all alarms. If your system can handle it, you should set these entries to the maximum number of alarms that the system will send to the alarm service at any one time.

The Alarm Queues Configuration dialog box displays the following items:

Local Setup



Summary Queue

Displays the size of the Summary queue.

File Queue

Displays the size of the File queue.

Printer 1 Queue

Displays the size of the Printer 1 queue.

Printer 2 Queue

Displays the size of the Printer 2 queue.

Printer 3 Queue

Displays the size of the Printer 3 queue.

Printer 4 Queue

Displays the size of the Printer 4 queue.

History Queue

Displays the size of the History queue.

Network Client Setup



Send Queue

Displays the size of the Send queue.

Control Queue

Displays the size of the Control queue.

Network Manager Setup



Receive Queue

Displays the size of the Receive queue.

Startup Queue

Displays the size of the Startup queue.

Control Queue

Displays the size of the Control queue.

Send Buffers

Displays the size of the Send Buffers.

Reset Sizes Button

Allows you to configure your alarm queues to the standard defaults, or the defaults to be calculated by the maximum alarms.

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