Security Checks Used with Enhanced Failover

There are two security features associated with Enhanced Failover:

  • Manual Failover application feature
  • Enhanced Failover security area

When iFIX security is enabled, the following security checks are performed. Unauthorized users are blocked and violations are logged to the Security Log.

  • When enabling or disabling Maintenance Mode using the SCADA Sync Monitor application, the Manual Failover application feature is checked. This feature should be assigned to users or groups who are allowed to manually enable or disable Maintenance Mode using the SCADA Sync Monitor.
  • When enabling or disabling Maintenance Mode using the SCADASync tag, the Enhanced Failover security area is checked. This security area should be assigned to users or groups who are allowed to enable or disable Maintenance Mode using the SCADASync tag.
  • When switching SCADA roles using the NSD tag, both the Manual Failover application feature and the Enhanced Failover security area are checked. The Manual Failover application feature is checked against the user who is currently logged on the SCADA node that the NSD tag resides on. The Enhanced Failover security area is checked against the user who is currently logged on to the client node that the switch is invoked from. Both security features should be assigned to users or groups who are allowed to manually switch SCADA roles using the NSD tag.