Defining the Relational Database Columns

Several relational database table columns are included in the Alarm ODBC service for signed operator actions. These columns allow you to perform detailed database queries. The columns for signed operator actions are:

Tag Description – tag's description field as entered in the process database.

Operator Login User Name – user name of the person currently logged in to iFIX.

Operator Login Full Name – full name of the person currently logged in to iFIX.

Performed By User Name – user name of the person performing the action.

Performed By Full Name – full name of the person performing the action.

Verified By User Name – user name of the person verifying the action.

Verified By Full Name – full name of the person verifying the action.

Performed By Comment – comment supplied by the operator performing the action.

Verified By Comment – comment supplied by the user verifying the action.

Message ID – Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that uniquely identifies each message.

For information on the other columns in the Alarm ODBC service, refer to the Implementing Alarms and Messages manual.

For examples of signed operation actions, refer to Electronic Signature Examples.