To view electronic signature settings for a tag, you can add these columns to the Database Manager spreadsheet using the Column tab of the Database Manager's Properties dialog box:
eSig Type – Indicates the signing requirements on this tag. When you add this column, the following values display:
NONE – The tag is not enabled for electronic signing.
PERFONLY – The tag requires only the signature of the operator performing the action.
PERVERI – The tag requires the signature of the operator performing the action and the signature of the person verifying the action.
eSig Cont Use – Indicates if allow continuous use is enabled for this tag.
eSig Exempt Ack – Indicates if signing is required for alarm acknowledgement and manual alarm deletion on this tag.
eSig Unsigned Writes – Indicates if unsigned writes are accepted or rejected by this tag. When you add this column, the following values can display:
ACCEPT – This tag is configured to accept unsigned writes.
LOG – If this tag is configured to accept unsigned writes, a message is sent to the relational database whenever an unsigned write is accepted.
REJECT – This tag is configured to reject unsigned writes. A message is sent to the relational database whenever an unsigned write is rejected.
For more information on changing database columns, refer to the Locating and Displaying Data chapter of the Building a SCADA System manual.