The Allow Continuous Use check box is selected in the Enabling the Electronic Signature Option dialog box figure. By default, continuous use is enabled. This option allows the operator to repeatedly sign for successive actions by supplying only a password. A continuous use period starts when the operator successfully signs for an action. The operator's user name is recorded as the continuous user. While the continuous use period is in effect, the operator's user name displays in the Performed By section in each subsequent Electronic Signature dialog box displayed for this tag. This feature saves the operator the time required to repeatedly type the user name. Continuous use applies only to the person performing an action and does not affect the person verifying an action.
A continuous use period ends when another user enters his user name in the Perform By section of the Electronic Signature dialog box. The application developer configures the duration of the inactive period and must also enable the Reset Electronic Signature Continuous User option.
When the continuous use period ends, the Performed By user name is cleared in the Electronic Signature dialog box. When a valid signature is entered, another continuous use period begins.
NOTE: The name of the continuous user changes and the continuous use period restarts each time a different user enters a valid signature.