Acknowledging a Page of Alarms

When the operator acknowledges a page of alarms whose tags require Perform Only signature, the Performed By section of the Electronic Signature dialog box appears. When the operator acknowledges a page of alarms whose tags require Perform and Verify signatures, the Performed By and Verified By sections of the Electronic Signature dialog box appear.

The Electronic Signature dialog box for alarm acknowledgement is identical in layout and function as the dialog box for data entry. However, it contains a list of all alarms to be acknowledged in a scrollable area, as indicated in the following figure. The information displayed here includes the node name, tag name, and description of each tag whose alarms are being acknowledged.

Acknowledge a Page of Alarms

When the operator acknowledges a page of alarms, a separate message is sent to the audit trail for each alarm acknowledged. Refer to the Electronic Signature Signing Requirements table for a list of electronic signature signing requirements.

See Also