The Extended Trend (ETR) block collects up to 600 values from an upstream block. By using this block, you can trend up to 10 minutes worth of data (assuming a one second scan time) with one block instead of chaining multiple Trend blocks together. In addition, you can store several hours, or even days of real-time data, by combining different scan rates in conjunction with the Average Compress field.
The upstream primary block in the chain determines Extended Trend block's scan time. When the block receives a value, it stores the data and passes it to the next downstream block immediately. You can display data collected by the block using a chart in the iFIX WorkSpace.
Note that the process database also provides a Trend block. This block trends up to 80 values. If you need to trend more than 80 values, use the Extended Trend block.
The Extended Trend block:
- Is a secondary block.
- Stores up to 600 values from an upstream block in a First In, First Out (FIFO) queue.
- Averages groups of data (optional) and stores the averages for trending.
- Displays values in the iFIX WorkSpace through a chart.
- Uses data in conjunction with Easy Database Access programs.