SQL Data Block Example

You can provide better control over monitoring SQL data by displaying to operators the actual values that the SQL Data block retrieves. The block reads these values each time the upstream SQL Trigger block executes.

You can display the retrieved data to operators by adding Data links that reference the fields A_TF01 through A_TF20. These fields correspond to the 20 block and field pairs (data points) listed in the SQL Data block.

You may also want to configure the Reset field of each data point to BLANK or ZERO. Selecting these values clears the A_TS fields prior to retrieving a new value and ensures that operators always see the latest values. You can configure the Reset field in the block's dialog box or by creating Data links to the A_RST01 to A_RST20 fields.

Keep in mind that when block and field name pairs have a direction of:

  • In – the Reset To field clears the value before the SQL Data block executes.
  • Out – the Reset To field clears the value after it is retrieved.