DELAY Command


Delays the execution of the remaining steps in the block for the specified number of seconds.


DELAY value


value – specifies the number of seconds (0-32767 seconds) you want to delay execution. The value you enter should be an exact multiple of the chain's scan time. If it is not, the value is rounded to the next highest multiple of the block's scan time at runtime. Use the following formula to determine the correct value for the DELAY command:

For example, if you enter a value of 10 (seconds) and the block has a scan time of 5 seconds, the DELAY command delays the block for two scan periods. If the value you specify is not evenly divisible by the scan time, the calculation is rounded to the next highest multiple of the scan time.


To delay execution of the remaining steps for 10 seconds, enter:


NOTE: You cannot use the DELAY command in a block that is exception-based.