In order for the Calculation block to compute its output correctly, you must enter an equation. In general, the equation syntax is:
input operator input
where input is one of the block's inputs and operator is a mathematical symbol. You specify inputs in the equation by their letter. For example, if you enter DI1 into the Calculation block's B Input field, you would refer to it in the equation as B.
You can enter any operator listed in the following table:
Operator |
Function |
ABS(input) |
Absolute value |
SQRT(input) |
Square root |
EXP(input) |
Anti-log |
LOG(input) |
Natural log |
LOG10(input) |
Base-10 log |
INT(input) |
Changes floating point values to integers |
- |
Unary minus (example, -A). |
^ |
Raise to power, exponential. |
* |
Multiply |
/ |
Divide |
+ |
Add |
- |
Subtract (example, A-B) |
< |
Less than |
> |
Greater than |
NOTE: When doing greater than or less than comparisons, the Calculation block passes a value of 1 to the next block if the statement is true. If the statement is false, the block passes a value of 0.