Trend Block


The Trend (TR) block can collects up to 80 values over a period of time. You can trend these values by connecting the block to a chart in the iFIX WorkSpace.

The upstream primary block in the chain determines Trend block's scan time. When the block receives a value, it stores the data and passes it with negligible dead time (transportation delay) to the next downstream block immediately.


The Trend block:

  • Is a secondary block.
  • Stores up to 80 values from an upstream block in the First In, First Out (FIFO) queue.
  • Can be chained to other Trend blocks to trend more than 80 values.
  • Averages groups of data and stores the averages for trending.
  • Displays its data in a picture through a chart.
  • Uses data in conjunction with Easy Database Access programs.


Typical Uses

