Program Block


The Program (PG) block provides a powerful means of running short programs to increase the degree of automation in your process or to assist in batch control. For a list of the supported commands that you can use in programming statements within this block, refer to the Program Block Commands section.


The Program block:

  • Is a Batch block.
  • Works in Automatic mode by executing all programming commands without interruption.
  • Works in Manual mode by suspending the execution of programming commands until the block returns to Automatic mode. When returned to Automatic mode, the Program block continues executing commands where it left off.
  • Cannot execute time-related commands, such as WAITFOR, CALL, MAXWAIT, WAITSTAT, SETDEBUG, and DELAY, when the scan time is either 0 or exception-based.
  • Triggers an immediate scan on manual inputs. For example, if AI1 is in manual mode and the Program block contains the command SETOUT AI1 50, an immediate scan of AI1 occurs when the Program block runs.


See Also

Typical Uses

