Using Master and Control Recipes

Using Master Recipes

When you finish creating a recipe, you are ready to save it. The Recipe Builder enables you to save a recipe as a master recipe or a control recipe. How you save it depends on your needs. For example, you might want to save a recipe as a master recipe if you plan to create other recipes that are minor variations of the original. Using the sample recipe, for instance, assume you want to create several other recipes from the sample recipe that vary the fermenting temperature and the fermenting time. One recipe might shorten the fermenting time. Another might increase the temperature.

In this situation, you might save the sample recipe as a master recipe. By doing this, you can easily modify the recipe by changing the necessary process values. By saving each change to a separate control recipe, you can easily create hundreds of additional recipes. Each additional recipe you create in no way affects the original recipe. This feature protects recipes from accidental or unauthorized changes.

Using Control Recipes

Alternatively, you could save the sample recipe as a control recipe. Typically, control recipes are production versions of a recipe that are downloaded to the database and are intended for use by operators.

Typically, control recipe access is provided to operators through a special window called the Recipe Operations window. Depending on how you set up this window, it can restrict operators from modifying control recipes or it can enable operators to modify control recipes within predefined limits. Information such as the tag group assignment or the batch size cannot be modified from the Recipe Operations window regardless of how you set up the window. However, you can set up the window to allow operators to override specific values prior to downloading.

Keep in mind that you do not have to choose between saving a recipe as just a master recipe or a control recipe. You can save a recipe in both formats and provide yourself the benefits of using both types of recipes.

If you decide to save recipes in both formats, you may want to establish specific naming conventions to help update your control recipes more easily. The following figure shows two possible naming conventions.

Naming Conventions

Another aspect to consider is the format you want to save the recipe in, binary or text. While binary recipes are functionally the same as the equivalent text recipes, binary recipes are faster to upload and download. In addition, binary recipes are more secure because they can only be opened and modified using the Recipe Builder. Text recipes, on the other hand, can be opened and modified with any third-party spreadsheet or text editor.

To help clarify explanations in this manual, the term master recipe refers to master text and master binary recipes unless otherwise stated. Similarly, the term control recipes refers to both control text and control binary recipes.