Understanding Upload and Download Messages

When you upload or download a recipe from the Recipe Builder, the program examines the recipe for errors. If the Recipe Builder encounters an error, it displays an error dialog box.

The following table lists the common messages that appear in this dialog box. Along with the message, the response to the error or the message's meaning is included.

Uploading and Downloading Messages 



Bad value

You are downloading a value to a field that cannot be written to or the value being written is invalid. Make sure the field can be written to and that the field exists.

Cannot write to this field

You are downloading a value to a field that cannot be written to. Try downloading to a different field.

Current block mode does not allow writes

You are downloading to a database block that is in Automatic mode. Put the block in Manual mode and download the recipe again.

Field name returns wrong data type

You are uploading or downloading a recipe with one or more symbols defined and no tag group assignment. Assign the appropriate tag group and try uploading or downloading the recipe again.

Field's value not known

The Recipe Builder cannot upload the recipe or verify the specified recipe item because it cannot read a value from the specified block. Make sure SAC and your I/O driver are running. Also make sure the block is on scan.

Illegal option, Please re-enter

The data type of the formula does not match the specified field. For example, you may have specified a string constant for a F_ field. Either change the formula or the field you are downloading to.

Tagname is not defined

Either the specified tagname cannot be written to or it may not exist. Verify that the tagname exists and can be written to.

Undefined recipe item

One or more recipe items have:

  • A calculated or override value but no identifier, or
  • An identifier but no formula or override value

Complete the identifier column and either formula or the override value column for the specified recipe items.

The field cannot be written due to security or field access restrictions.

You are downloading to a field that cannot be written to or the necessary security area rights are not assigned to the Recipe user account on the target SCADA server. Consult with your system administrator and add the security areas of the block you are downloading to the Recipe user account.

Value out of range

You are downloading a value that is greater than the block accepts. Change the formula or override value of the specified recipe item and try downloading the recipe again.

See Also