Understanding Recipe Keywords

Recipe keywords are variables reserved for use by the Recipe Builder. The following table summarizes the available recipe keywords. The keywords #STD_BATCH, #BATCH, and #SCALE contain numeric values. All other keywords contain string values.

Recipe Keywords 

The keyword...

Contains the...

To set the value of the keyword...


Current batch size

Select the Set Batch Size from the Options menu. The Batch Size dialog box appears.

Complete the Batch Size field in the dialog box.


Batch ID

With the audit trail enabled, select the Download button from the Recipe Builder. The Download dialog box appears.

Complete the Batch ID field in the dialog box.


Download remarks

With the audit trail enabled, select the Download button from the Recipe Builder. The Download dialog box appears.

Complete the Download Remarks field in the dialog box.


Batch unit of measure

Complete the Batch UOM field in the recipe header.


Recipe name

Open a recipe or save an untitled recipe.


Name of the end product

Complete the Product field in the recipe header.


Batch scaling factor

1. Complete the Standard Batch Size field in the recipe header.

2. Select the Set Batch Size from the Options menu. The Batch Size dialog box appears.

3. Complete the Batch Size field in the dialog box. The Recipe Builder automatically calculates the scaling factor dividing the #STD_BATCH by #BATCH.


Standard batch size

Complete the Standard Batch Size field in the recipe header.


Assigned tag group file name

1. Select the Assign Tag Group from the Option menu. The Assign Tag Group dialog box appears.

2. Complete the Tag Group File name field in the dialog box.


Process unit used by the recipe

Complete the Units field in the recipe header.

NOTE: The keyword #BATCH_ID and #REMARKS always appear blank in the recipe, but the text you enter for each keyword is downloaded to the database when you assign either keyword to a tagname.

The Recipe Builder allows you to use a keyword containing a string value in place of a string constant. For example, consider the following formula:


In this example the value of the keyword #PRODUCT is used in place a string constant.

You can also substitute a keyword with a numeric value for an actual number. For example:


This formula calculates the integer value of the current batch size.