Selecting a Security Area

For security reasons, you may want to restrict access to the recipes you create. Once you assign a security area to a recipe, it can only be opened with the Recipe Builder if the logged in user has rights to that security area. For example, if you assign security area A to the sample recipe, an operator who wants to open it must have rights to that security area.

To select a security area for a recipe, complete the Security Area group box. This group box defines the security area for the recipe. By default, the security area is set to NONE.

To select a security area for the current recipe:

  1. On the Options menu, click Advanced Options. The Advanced Options dialog box appears.
  2. In the Security Area group box, enter the appropriate text as indicated below. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters into the group box.
    • To assign the recipe to every security area, type ALL.
    • To assign the recipe to no security area, type NONE.
    • To assign the recipe to a specific security area, type the security area name in the group box.

    If you prefer, click the browse (...) button and select a security area from the dialog box that appears. Use the scroll bar or arrow keys to locate the security area you want. Press the OK button to complete the selection.

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