Formulas enable you to represent a value in a generic way. For example, you can represent the batch size of a product with the following formula:
By representing the batch size with this formula, you can adjust its value by changing the value in the Standard Batch Size field or the scaling factor represented by the numeric constant 0.5.
However, you may find circumstances when using a formula is inappropriate. For example, suppose you are making beer for an upcoming holiday. Assume for this product that you need to lower the temperature that the beer ferments at and increase the fermentation time.
Using the Recipe Builder, you can adjust the formulas for the temperature set point and fermentation time. Alternatively, you can override the calculated value for these items. When you override a value, you specify a process value to use in place of the recipe item's or variable's calculated value.
Entering an Override Value
You can enter an override value by selecting the appropriate cell in the Override Val column and typing the new value in the text editing box. The range of values you can enter into the Override Val column depends on the high and low override limits defined for a specific recipe item or variable. To set the override limits for a recipe item or variable, refer to the section Entering Override Limits.
After you enter an override value, the Recipe Builder continues recalculating the formula of the overridden item. All recipe items that reference the overridden recipe item or variable are recalculated using the override value.
Batch Resizing Overridden Values
The Recipe Builder also warns you when attempting to scale overridden recipe items and variables by displaying a message box with the following text:
There are recipe items with OVERRIDE VALUES
Select the Clear All button to clear all override values or select the Continue button to keep the overrides in effect and set the batch size. To quit without making any changes, select the Cancel button. For more information on scaling batches, refer to the section Scaling the Batch Size.