Fermenting Beer

This example describes a beer fermentation process. When fermenting beer, as described in the Developing an Application Strategy section,  the following steps occur:

  1. Verify that the value of the fermenter interlock, ILK1, is inactive.
  2. Transfer the wort from the brew kettle to the fermenter by opening transfer valve XCV1F1.
  3. For every barrel of beer being made, add 1.5 pounds of yeast to the wort. Assuming the standard batch size is 100 barrels of beer, this sets the process value W16S1 to 150 pounds of yeast.
  4. Set the Analog Output block, T16F1, fermenter temperature set point, to 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Set the target value of a Timer block, K16F1, the fermenter timer, to 132 hours.

After the beer is fermented, it is aged, bottled and ready for shipment.

See Also