Editing a Text Recipe

If you plan to edit a master text or control text recipe, you can open it with a third-party text editor. The file must conform to the format described in the previous sections of this chapter, otherwise the Recipe Builder cannot open it after you finish editing the file.

To modify a master or control text recipe, use the following guidelines:

  • Each line in the file can be up to 256 characters. The Recipe Builder ignores any extra characters beyond that limit.
  • Specific characters have a special meaning when used in a master text or control text recipe. The following table lists these characters.

    Guidelines for Editing a Text Recipe

    The character ...

    Allows you to...

    , (comma)

    Delimit a field.

    ; (semicolon)

    Start a comment. The Recipe Builder ignores all characters following the semicolon to the end of the line. Comments can appear anywhere in the text file.

    \ (back slash)

    Cancel the meaning of a special character. For example, the Recipe Builder treats the following text as a comma:


    For example, to have the value 9,999 appear in the Standard Batch Size field, enter the following in the text file:
