Changing the Verification Time-out Interval

By default, the verification time-out interval is 30 seconds. However, if you find that the verification process is timing out you may need to give your system more time to read process values and update the database.

To modify the time-out interval:

  1. From the Recipe Builder, on the File menu, click Exit. If necessary, save any changes you have made to the current recipe.
  2. In a text editor, open the RCP.INI file. This file resides in the Local path. You should see the following text:


  1. Modify the time-out interval by changing the value from 30 to some other value. Possible values for the time-out interval are from 1 to 65,535 seconds.
  2. After modifying the time-out interval, save the RCP.INI file and restart the Recipe Builder.
  3. With the new time-out interval, try downloading the recipe again.

For information about verification errors, refer to the section Verifying a Recipe.

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