Overwrite Master Dynamo Dialog Box

The Overwrite Master Dynamo dialog box displays the following items:


A read-only field that displays the Dynamo name for informational purposes. You cannot edit this field.

Dynamo ID

A read-only field that displays the Dynamo ID for informational purposes. You cannot edit this field.


A read-only field that displays the Dynamo Instance description for informational purposes. You cannot edit this field.

Overwrite the Existing Master Dynamo

Select this option to overwrite the existing Master Dynamo with the updated one. The Dynamo ID does not change when you overwrite the Master Dynamo and your links to existing Dynamos remain.

Create a New Master Dynamo

Optionally, specify a description of the object in this field. A new Dynamo ID is generated, and your links to existing Dynamos Instances no longer exist.


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