Tiling and Cascading Pictures

As you create and modify pictures, you may want to have several pictures open at once. Depending on the size and position of the pictures opened, this can result in one or more pictures hidden behind the top picture. Although you can use the Show function to switch from one to another, or manually move or resize a picture, you may want to view more than one at a time. A fast, easy way to arrange multiple pictures is to tile or cascade them using the Window menu. (Both Tile and Cascade are found on the View tab in ribbon view.)

When you tile two or more pictures, iFIX arranges each picture so that they do not overlap and resizes each window so that all the pictures fit in the available client area. You can tile pictures horizontally or vertically. To do this select Tile Horizontal or Tile Vertical from the Window menu. Both methods of tiling are shown in the following figures.

Tiling Horizontally

Tiling Vertically

You can open as many pictures as you want, limited only by the amount of memory in your computer.

When you cascade two or more pictures, the pictures are staggered and resized equally so that you can select each picture by its title bar. This is illustrated in the following figure. To cascade pictures, select Cascade from the Window menu.

Cascading Pictures