Restoring a Picture to the Logical Coordinate System
You can restore an upgraded Enhanced Coordinate System picture to a Logical Coordinate System picture. Prior to upgrading to the Enhanced Coordinate System, pictures are backed-up to a Backup directory for this purpose.
NOTE: Make sure the picture file is closed both locally and remotely before you attempt to restore a picture. Picture files that are open in a local or a remote session are not eligible for restoration, and will not display in the Select Files window until the picture is closed.
To restore a
picture to the Logical Coordinate System:
- Close all pictures and Dynamo Sets. A warning message appears when there are files open and need to be closed before you can proceed.
- In Classic view,
on the Utilities toolbar, click the Upgrade File to Enhanced Coordinates
In Ribbon view, on the Applications tab, in the Utilities drop-down menu, click Upgrade File to Enhanced Coordinates.
The Upgrade Pictures to Screen Independent Enhanced Coordinates dialog box appears with the Upgrade Files option selected. A list of eligible files from the default folder display in the Select Files window (depending on the File Type selected).
- Select the Restore Files from Backup option. A list of eligible files from the Backup directory display.
- To display files in a different directory, specify the new directory in the Pictures and Dynamos Set Folder Path window. Then, select the Refresh File List button. You can also browse and select an alternate folder by using the Browse button followed by the Refresh Files List button.
- Select the appropriate file(s) from the Select Files window. The Restore Files button becomes enabled.
- Click the Restore Files button. This restores the file(s) to the Logical Coordinate System. The restored files are removed from the Select Files list when the operation completes.
- Confirm that the picture was restored by using the Property Window to examine the EnhancedCoordinates property for the picture. (False - indicates the file was restored to the Logical Coordinate System successfully.)