Renaming Objects

When you add an object to your picture, iFIX automatically names the object in the system tree and numbers it in the order it was created. For example, the second rectangle added to your picture would be titled Rect2 in the Pictures directory. To more easily recognize your objects, or to assign a specific name that represents a common property in your process, you can give it an alternate name.

To rename an object, right-click the object name in the system tree and select Property Window from the pop-up menu. Place the cursor in the second column of the Name row and enter a name. You can also select Animations from the pop-up menu and rename the object from the Animations dialog box.

IMPORTANT: When you rename an object, avoid the use of underscores in the name. Underscores my cause problems with scripts associated with the object. For more information, refer to the VBA Naming Conventions section of the Writing Scripts manual.

See Also